
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

A Fun time with my Family.

“Kids get ready for today” it's going to be a bright day
today.”Shouted dad in a happy voice.” We all signed
and glanced at one another. Without asking where we
were heading off, I got ready and we all sat in the car.
As we drove, I was excited to see that we were not
heading off to Pak and Save. I wondered… where we
were going?

As we hopped out of the car I dash up the hill and back
down the hill and into the skatepark.
Dad had sneaked our skateboards into the car.When
my dad got our skateboards out I was super excited
because I was the only one who knew how to ride a
skateboard out of my whole siblings.

We all had a good day on monday.

It was Fun,Excited,Explosive, and we all worth happy…  

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