My Dream
A girl called mariah did not go to sleep for 3 days and then overslept so did not have time to go to the convention day.
One beautiful pretty girl who got ready for convention day and stayed 3 days up just for this day to come so her and her 5 friends can go to the convention day but she fell into a very deep sleep. And she had a dream…
Let's go to the top of the volcano we are nearly there (rumbling) Please tell me that your stomach “nope that not me why what did you hear something” I think you no what “nope no I do not” Well that good(THUNDER) “THAT DOES NOT SOUND GOOD” Because it's not run. “Run up or down” if you don't know where to go then sit there. “If you say so” That's called sarcastic now if you don’t mind I'm going to run for my life (Screaming) Wind blowing as hard as a can. Thunderstrike as loud as a car red fire coming out of the volcano hot burning colourful bright lights fire. Wind blowing like crazy. White,light,Bright,Colourful,Shiny,Thunder people screaming as they are going to crack into pieces. UFO Surrounding New Zealand Aliens coming from the sky. What do you want, Aliens? We want a human brain. I’m no human I'm a robot you don't want my brain we eat brain (Nooooooo) Mariah mariah Yes “are you ok you have been sleeping for 5 hour” oh that ok so let go to the convention day. Sorry Mariah but we really wanted to go with you but you overslept so we went without you sorry you don’t sleep for 3 days that is why you overslept “oh” that ok.
Mariah did not finish her bucket list because the convention day was the last thing she has going to do.