
Thursday, June 14, 2018


Yesterday we went out to Pakuranga mall and surveyed 20
people. We asked them if they knew what Matariki is? Fourteen
didn’t know what matariki was and six knew about it. We asked
people from different cultures but all lived in New zealand. It
shows us that many people didn’t know what Matariki is even
though they live in New Zealand. So we should put Matariki on
the calendar,decorate the malls, put it on the radio and make
people more aware about Matariki. Some people did not know
about their own culture or festival.

It shows us that less people know about Matariki and many
people don’t know what Matariki is.  So we
should celebrate it more by putting Matariki on the calendar,
decorate the malls, put it on the radio and make people more
aware about Matariki.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


On the poster I have here it his a sun that I draw and the people are going fishing and play where kites and weaving.I love the family picture because it is when family get together to remember their ancestors.In maori legends they tell stories about their heros and what they did.people share food with their whanau.In maori tradition they go out before dawn to view and welcome matariki stars.


Matariki signals when it is time to begin the maori new year.Matariki is a time for  family’s to got together to celebrate maori new year. Makariki is celebrated like sing,food,tell stories and play music.The stars at night means to remember your aunt sister and grandpa.Makariki is a time to go fish’s and to grave cups.At Makariki you can make a kite and you can weaving and tell legend story about maori and his brother’s.   

Image result for Matariki stars