
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Santa's gifts

We got gifts from santa yesterday and they were very expensive gifts. The people who gave us gifts on Santas behalf are people from companies that buy the gifts for school children.
I was wondering that these people reach out to people whom they do not even know.
This makes me think of giving it back.
But I cannot buy gifts to make people happy.
I have decided that I am going to reach out
 to people by being kind and helpful.
This will make them happy and this way I will be able to touch people’s lives.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday, November 22, 2018

“Hi roy said mariah Hi mariah said roy.”
What are we going to do today said mariah.
We are doing a dressed up challenge are you ready yes.
Rm 6 let ha ha ha look at fine group shush
jairus it look cool and it is much better than you ha ha
said lily and mariah.

The classroom was so quiet and empty it was scary.
When the ball ring it was so loud.Who won roy he said I
will tell you tomorrow.Sorry I forgot something to tell
you it was fun because we made a red carpet so that
people can walk on the red carpet.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Boomerang -- T.E.A.M.

Boomerang - T.E.A.M
This Boomerang is a design that I made. It is called T.E.A.M.

My boomerang is made out of cardboard and the paper was for the design and I used some tape.

My shape of the boomerang is a batman shape. It is double sided and one of them was printed out that’s why it is black.

We tested our boomerang today With Mr Roy.

  • Mariah

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Technology Inquiry

This is my presentation about old technology.

“Hi everyone!” said my coach. that yelled. “How are you’s?” whispered coach. “we are good” said the kids.The kids and the mums
and dads. We're excited to go to rainbows end and when we went to rainbows end we could choose our rides. But me and my family early chose our rides in order. We went on the log, the roller coaster, the bumper cars, the family cards and we went to the power surge and the rides was so exciting to go on. We went on a bus to go to rainbows end and the  people who were there are my friends. Me and my brother and my family and my coach and my friend's mums and dads. After we went to rainbows end we went to ganges to have some fun and we had lots of food. When we finished we went to the church and we went to the coaches house and then we went to our house and we went to sleep and it was on a Saturday. I hope I go again next year and I want to go again.   






hot air balloon


old boat

old motorbikes



monster trucks

old cars



flying car

“We are have a technology challenge” said Mr.Roy.
What you guys are doing is you guys are going to make a flagpole and in groups of 3 or 4.

“Let us starts now”. “Yes” we said. I was in groups of 3. Lino, Lily and me. I said ok what are we going to do. Finally we are finished.

The Rules

We are not allowed to tape the flag on the ground and we are not allowed to hold the flag. We are not allowed to put it in something or put it on something and my group flags was successful. It stood by itself

  • Mariah

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


“Hi everyone!” said my coach. that yelled. “How are you’s?” whispered coach. “we are good” said the kids.The kids and the mums

and dads. We're excited to go to rainbows end and when we went to rainbows end we could choose our rides. But me and my family early chose our rides in order. We went on the log, the roller coaster, the bumper cars, the family cards and we went to the power surge and the rides was so exciting to go on. We went on a bus to go to rainbows end and the  people who were there are my friends. Me and my brother and my family and my coach and my friend's mums and dads. After we went to rainbows end we went to ganges to have some fun and we had lots of food. When we finished we went to the church and we went to the coaches house and then we went to our house and we went to sleep and it was on a Saturday. I hope I go again next year and I want to go again.  

Friday, September 14, 2018

This week room 6 and the other classes went to the hall and  celebrate maori language week and when we celebrated the maori language week there was the kapa haka students who Search forwent on the stage and there was two types of songs that the Kapa haka people songs and everyone loves it but at the same time they were born and the tutors for kapa haka said stuff in maori and how to say thank you to the principal and the teachers and the teacher sing a song and then it was time to go.
Yesterday Rm 5, 6, 7 and 8 went to the Auckland museum and we saw different types of places like the volcano place and like the library and the butterfly please and many more.My favourite place was the volcano and the library.I love the library because it is nice and quiet and we get to draw butterflies and different types of army people and while we were at the library there was this one friend who told one of the library people if they can search up his great great great grandfather.I love volcano place because we were in the house and when we were in the house we heard a lot of rumble happening and steam coming out and we we're looking at the culture site and we we're looking at Simon,maori,tongan,Cook Island,New Zealand and other stuff and it was so fun and then after we did that we went back to the library and then we had lunch and we went to school again and then we went home the end.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

We have chosen to make the peace sign out of debris.The peace sign  will remind the people that when there is a natural disaster or a earthquake they have to  stay peaceful and together.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

This is earth.Earth is surrounded
by atmosphere.Atmosphere has
different types of gases
like oxygen, carbon dioxide,methane
and mini more.Earth is a warm planets.
Carbon dioxide is making the
atmosphere warmer on earth and
Carbon dioxide is responsible for
trapping the sun’s heat
on earth.It's kown like greenhouse effect.
recently engines and factories  have
smoke and more heat will be observed.
More carbon
dioxide means more absorption of heat.

Earth warmier
Heat wave will be produce and move
Carbon dioxide will be produce too.
Glaciers will melt and water will ries and
 the land will be submerged.

We can slow down the flood by growing
more trees because trees help us  to get
more oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Greenhouse effects different type of phenomenon which is carbon dioxide and methane. These phenomena are keeping the warm  inside and once it keeps the warm inside the earth. Ones the heat from the sun get hot the earth is always going to get higher and higher.When it does the warm from the sun trapstar the warmness inside the earth.Animals will get dead because the homes get destroyed and mounted when the houses and the ice get mounted it can cause a flood.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

people's feelings when an earthquake happens.

There are a lost of earthquake that has
happened. When an earthquake happens
there is loss of life and property that got
destroyed.Sometimes people have to sleep
camps because the houses and buildings
got demolished. Some people get in
emotional because they have lost their
 loved one. If there is an earthquake whose
magnitude is more than 6, it can cause a
lot of damage.

How do earthquake happen.

How does earthquakes happen.

Earthquake happen  because there is
something called the epicenter and the
epicentre can be in the sea or in the earth
and it also happens because the tectonic
plates pushas underneath the earth.

Thursday, August 16, 2018


There are a loss of earthquake that has happened. When an earthquake happens there is loss of life and property that got destroyed.Sometimes people have to sleep in camps because the houses and buildings got demolished. Some people get in emotional because they have lost their  loved one. If there is an earthquake whose magnitude is more than 6, it can cause a lot of damage.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A Earthquake in christchurch

I was in Christchurch to see my friend. Suddenly I felt my feet shaking and so I went outside. the ground was shaking even more and the road was cracking and the houses were getting demolished. Within a split second 80 % of the city had turned into ruins.

Friday, July 27, 2018

My Volcano store

I was at home watching TV with my family and then we went to sleep and then drawing night time I felt my bed shaking and it smell like lava then I what downstairs and turn on the TV the news came on and it said everyone wake up your mum and dad get out a volcano is coming everyone out out out and I wake up my mum and dad and we run out the  backdoor with my family and then I saw a Volcano interrupted and then I was run from the volcano and so we went out the backdoor and then the volcanoes made their way inside the house and I saw a crack and my family including me and my mum and dad escaped the house and ran away.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


5.the growu is shalao

7.Earthquake is when the growu

5.the earthquake is big.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Natural Disaster
  • Tornadoes
  • Hurricanes
  • Earthquakes
  • Volcanoes
  • Floods
  • Tsunamis
  • Winter storms
  • Wildfires
  • Avalanches
  • Landslides
  • Droughts
  • Cyclones
  • storm

Man Made Disaster
  • Nuclear disasters
  • Biological disasters
  • Chemical disasters
  • Fire accidents
  • Road accidents
  • Terrorism
  • Epidemic

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Yesterday we went out to Pakuranga mall and surveyed 20
people. We asked them if they knew what Matariki is? Fourteen
didn’t know what matariki was and six knew about it. We asked
people from different cultures but all lived in New zealand. It
shows us that many people didn’t know what Matariki is even
though they live in New Zealand. So we should put Matariki on
the calendar,decorate the malls, put it on the radio and make
people more aware about Matariki. Some people did not know
about their own culture or festival.

It shows us that less people know about Matariki and many
people don’t know what Matariki is.  So we
should celebrate it more by putting Matariki on the calendar,
decorate the malls, put it on the radio and make people more
aware about Matariki.